Monday, 14 July 2008


 - examples found from
 - composition and use of imagery really exciting
 - great way of presenting typography in an engaging way
 - favourite has to be 'money' due to worn, scratchy, raw feel.

   The first example, 'broken' has some sort of x-rated edge to it, from the crossed out eyes of the person used, which takes away their identity yet leaves them pretty exposed in the image. The type fits with the composition to result in a bit of an uncomfortable feel.
 'disgusting' has an amazing layered effect, and I love the messed up, scratched out appearance. 
 'great circus' also uses worn through layering, making the piece look textured and reflects the depth of character that comes through the type. I am a big fan of the decoration on the lettering!
 'memories' is attention grabbing and bold, and the type is brash. It looks a lot like the american style of post and stamping. 

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